BST Bus Route to Solo Baru and Bekonang


The vice Mayor of Surakarta Teguh Prakoso and the Regent of Sukoharjo, Etik Suryani accompanied by Chairman of DPRD Surakarta, members of Forkopimda, Ministry of Transportation Republic of Indonesia, Ranks of Regional Institution Organization of Surakarta (OPD), Transportation Government Office of Sukoharjo Regency and Karanganyar Regency launched Solo Raya bus transportation “Batik Solo Trans” Line 5 and 6, on Thursday,  [30/12/2021] in the yard of Pendhapi Gede Balaikota Surakarta.

Teguh Prakosa in his speech, Government of Surakarta city is committed to provide environmentally mass public transportation to support people reduce using personal vehicles.

“Batik Solo Trans [ BST ] is a form  of  government  concern to serve safe, comfortable and affordable people transportation needs. The advantages of buy the service can give certainity service to passengers, either travel time efficiency and route every corridor and easy to pay the rate even though the passegers have to do transportation relay.” He said

BST is one role of the country to be  present to people.

The addition of transportation in line 5 and 6 can make easy accessibility to people reach Batik Solo Trans. Here are route of line 5 and line 6 :

Line 5 : Terminal Kartasura – Bekonang

Terminal Kartasura – Jl. Adi Soemarmo [ Colomadu ] – Jl. Letjen Suprapto – Jl. Jenderal Ahmad Yani – Jl. Adi Sucipto. Selanjutnya, Jl. Dr. Moewardi – Jl. Slamet Riyadi – Jl. Yos Sudarso – Jl. Veteran – Jl. Kyai Mojo – Sub Terminal Semanggi – Jl. Kyai Mojo – Pasar Bekonang.

Line 6 : Terminal Tirtonadi – Solo Baru

Tirtonadi – Jl. Ahmad Yani – Jl. Letjen S. Parman – Jl. Gajah Mada – Jl. RM Said – Jl. Teuku Umar – Jl. Ronggowarsito. Selanjutnya, Jl. Diponegoro – Jl. Slamet Riyadi – Jl. Jendral Sudirman – Jl. Mayor Sunaryo – Jl. Kapten Mulyadi – Jl. Veteran – Jl. Yos Sudarso – Jl. Ir. Soekarno – Solo Baru.

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