Bocah Dolanan 2019 Festival
Bocah Dolanan 2019 Festival with the theme “Forming Noble Character of Youngster Through the Bocah Dolanan Festival” which will be participated by 20 art galleries and theater groups, and many cultural houses in Surakarta that will show various traditional games exist in Central Java in the form of creative and attractive performance art.
Saturday, October 12, 2019 | 3.00pm- finished
Venue : Radyapustaka Museum
Soeryo Soemirat Studio, Adanu Jumantoro Art Workshop, Setya Kridho Darmo Junior Jebres, Pasinaon Pelangi Theater, Gedhong Kuning, Sarwi Retno Budaya, Sang Citra, Mandala Stabelan Theater, Semarak Candra Kirana, and Sanggar Darmo Junior Jebres, Pasinaon Pelangi Theater, Gedhong Kuning, Sarwi Retno Budaya, Sang Citra, Mandala Stabelan Theater, Semarak Candra Kirana, and Sanggar Studio Kemasan.
Sunday, October 13, 2019 | 8.00am – finished
Venue : Radyapustaka Museum
Finished by the performance of Pagutri, Sono Puspa Budaya, Kridha Budaya, Sanggar Pincuk, Sanggar Orek, Taman Pintar Pucang Sawit Theater, Laksita Paramita, Metta Budaya, and the Keratonan Cultural House.