Sendratari Ramayana April 2021 “Lahirya Anoman”

Enjoy the Sendratari Ramayana with the play “Lahirnya Anoman”


The perfection of Cupumanik Astagina made him selfish, fighting over each other until he closed his eyes, even the advice of parents could no longer fight stubbornness.

Then, calamity will remind him!

“There is no need for regret and tears of encouragement. By the way of penance, you will get a gift.”


Friday, April 23, 2021

8.00 p.m.

Located at the Open Stage in Balekambang Park


To watch Sendratari Ramayana, you must have an entrance ticket. It’s FREE and easy to get, just follow these following steps:

  1. Go directly to the Sendratari Ramayana Tickets page by scanning the barcode or click the link:
  2. Select and click “Free Ticket for the Lahirnya Anoman
  3. Fill in your personal data completely, free tickets will be sent to your email
  4. Just show the e-ticket at the entrance. No need to bother printing tickets\


Tickets are only limited by implementing health protocols. For those who run out of tickets, you can still watch through live streaming on the Youtube Channel BALKAM TV, Pariwisata Solo, GIBRAN TV , and Instagram gibran_rakabuming