SIPA “Arts as an Social Action”

Solo International Perfoming Arts never missed to enliven to give the spectacular arts performance for Solo cetizen and the world every year.
In this year, SIPA will be back to give many marvelous surprises that will be give the visitors a perfomance that cannot be forgotten.
Raising “Seni sebagai Aksi Sosial” as the theme, SIPA wants to invite the Indonesian people to be more sensitive with the social issues in their environment. SIPA wants to show to the world that arts can be used as the connecting media in social action.

SIPA exclusively want to invite Indonesian youth generation to be the agent of change, creative, innovative and active in cultural social activities.

Don’t forget to watch the greatness of Solo International Performing Arts 2019 “Art as a Social Action in:
5-7 September 2019 | 7 PM
Venue : Benteng Vastenburg, Solo

Culture is our Future!