So Happy In Kampong Hepi Joho

The atmosphere of Gang Prenjak, RT 007 / RW 010, Samratulangi St., Kampong Joho, Manahan Village, Banjarsari District, Solo, at the beginning of August 2018, seemed deserted. There were only a number of middle-aged men finishing murals and reliefs. Yes, in the village where 70 families live, all the walls, fences and facades become visual art canvas.

Murals and reliefs depicting history, short messages and educational facilities to the public. There are abstract paintings and three-dimensional mask paintings. In addition, there are also murals of national figures, soccer supporters, puppet characters, to the first former Indonesian President, Soekarno, to the 7th President who is also the former Mayor of Solo, Jokowi.

The making of mural paintings involves the ideas of village youth and citizens. In the alley into the village, there is also the writing of the business name of Joho residents starting from culinary, rental home business, to services. Like meatballs, soto, satay, noodles, chicken noodles, furniture, painters, dance arts and so on. This brilliance and atmosphere made this kampong called Hepi. Hepi is absorbed from word Happy. The choice of the word originated from the desire of the residents of Kampung Joho who want to be happy, safe, healthy and peaceful.

Meanwhile, the idea of making Hepi Village started in 2007, but it was only announced in February 2018. Every month, residents with their own independence and willingness to do mutual cooperation to maintain Hepi Kampong.

Besides containing a variety of murals, the village also presents a variety of community activities such as traditional children’s games, herbal medicine shops and various handicrafts of residents. This is one way to develop Kampong Hepi as a tourist destination.