Dory Harsa being chosen as SIPA Mascot 2020

“Dory Harsa Shocked Being Chosen as SIPA Mascot 2020″
Solo, 27/08 – In line with the theme of Solo International Performing Arts (SIPA) 2020 Recognition and Acceleration, Dory Harsa was chosen as the original artist from Solo City become a symbol of millennials in the development of traditional arts or populist. Dory Harsa revealed, “I am proud and actually surprised chosen as the mascot. This is an extraordinary award for me as the local musician, being able to participate in SIPA. ”

infiltrate its 12th year, SIPA 2020 carries the theme “Recognition and Acceleration” based on the understanding of art as something that rests on honor and appreciation for accelerated progress and unity. Held for three days on the 10th, 11, and 12 September, this event can be watched for free via Youtube SIPA FESTIVAL channel from 17.00 to 21.00 WIB. SIPA is expected become a means of preserving the performing arts thus people can always remember the existence of art as one of Indonesia’s original products. This role is taken, will directing adolescents and children to become art-educated young people through a show. SIPA is always committed to present interesting and high quality art events . Therefore, Dory Harsa’s popularity in preservation of traditional arts that have brought him into the industrial arts are certainly in line with the spirit of SIPA. The figure of Dory Harsa deserves to be appointed as a mascot and to be honored through world festival stage.

Born in Solo on November 27, 1992, Dory Haryanto Eka Saputra or familiarly called Dory has created a successful career path as a soloist with the Javanese Pop-campursari genre. With an ethos and mission to elevate local culture, the majority of works released by Dory are in Javanese.
Dory got it first place on the Trending Chart on the Youtube channel for one week, and occupied 20 Trending Chart Worldwide on the same platform.

“Hopefully SIPA can provide a good performance, which is educational, and of course can encourage the creativity of other performers who are involved in it.
I hope This year’s SIPA concert could provide a benchmark for other events, even though virtual still can show the best so it can build morale all of the people who is engaged in virtual events, “said Dory. (Alif, Fira)

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