Hadrah Festival
Monday, (28/2/22) Hadrah Festival held in order to celebrate Isra’ Mi’raj Prophet Muhammad SAW opened by beating drum by Mayor of Surakarta city Gibran Rakabumingraka, The Vice-Mayor of Surakarta Teguh Prakoso and regional Secretary Ahyani.
Hadrah Festival followed by 54 subdistricts in Surakarta city. In the event, the parade changed into “rampag bedug” (Rampak means Simultaneous, bedug is found and used by local people as media to remind obligatory prayers’ time in Muslim. It means beaten the bedug simultaneously and it produces beautiful typical rhythm) and beaten tambourine while the participants walked around Manahan Stadium.
Parade and Hadrah colossal in the form of tambourine festival and rampag bedug combined recitation of Al-Quran, salawat (in Arabic, also referred to as divine blessings on Muhammad) and sermon given motivation for making peace and surviving in pandemy Covid-19 by Habib Novel Alaydrus with prayer together lead by KH Abdul Karim (Gus Karim).
Because of pandemy Covid-19, Hadrah Festival becomes routinity agenda in Surakarta city delayed a year. Hadrah 11th Festival held in 2020. The festival held suit to health protocol and limited audiences this year. The festival held simple for celebrating Isra Miraj Prophet Muhammad SAW and Surakarta city’s 277th anniversary.