Kethoprak Balekambang with the play “Rebut Bener”

Kethoprak Balekambang with the play “Rebut Bener”

Saturday, July 4th, 2020

At 8 p.m

Located in Balekambang Art Building

The story tells about two brothers, son of Ki Suroyudo, a former Mataram soldier named Branjang and Podang. Ki Suroyudo died when Branjang had just married Sundari. Before he died, Ki Suroyudo told Branjang to devote himself to Mataram. Ki Suroyudo’s message was carried out and Branjang left for Mataram.

Before leaving for Mataram, Branjang advised Podang to look after Sundari completely. The oath was pronounced until the time limit specified. When he returned to the village, Sundari was already married to Podang.

Are you curious about the full story?
You can watch it live and of course by running a health protocol (limited quota) or keep watching on Youtube Pariwisatasolo Channel and Instagram @pariwisatasolo

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