Ndalem Djojokoesoeman Traditional Dance Performance

Ndalem Djojokoesoeman Traditional Dance Performance


(27/03/21) An virtual event at Ndalem Djojokoesoeman named “Ndalem Djojokoesoeman Traditional Dance Performance” yesterday, served Ramayana Show entitled Himanda Adilaga, presented by Adanu Jumantoro Art Workshop.


Before the Ramayana Show, Adanu Jumantoro Art Workshop gave us an opening dance, Menak Koncar dance, which was danced by a senior dancers. This dance brings the heroism of The Duke of Menak Koncar. Those expressions are manifested through the dance movements that are presented with the spirit of a knight. Menak Koncar dance has the theme of gandrungan (romance), telling the story of The Duke of Menak Koncar to Sekati Goddess.

Ndalem Djojokoesoeman Traditional Dance Performance was held as a forum for cultural activities to keep them exist.


Watch the full video on:

Pariwisata Solo Youtube Channel

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