Semarak Jenang Solo 2022 event held successfully for Celebrating Government of Surakarta city 76th Anniversary
(Saturday, June 18th, 2022). The event held for celebrating Governmenet of Surakarta city 76th Anniversary with theme “Jenang dalam 5 fase kehidupan manusia”.
There were 5 booths of jenang (jenang means porridge) described five phases of human life. The phases starts from Mantenan (married), Mitoni (seven months of pregnant), Puputan (Sepasaran/five days old of born), Tedak Siten (the baby 7x selapan / thirty-five days old) and Struggle for Approaching Success. Jenang is one of traditional food from Central Java and Yogyakarta. Jenang serves only for special events, for example at weddings or events related to Javanese culture.
Semarak Jenang Sala 2022 held successfully by performing Perang Kembang dance, Jatayu dance, Kasunanan Surakarta Hadiningrat defile and Carnival 17 of Jenang carried by Putra-Putri Solo.