Surakarta City Brings 3 Trophies in Grand Final Mas Mbak Central Java 2019

Saturday (9/11/2019) located in Mahesa Trial Hall of Boyolali, the grand final of Mas and Mbak Central Java 2019 was held rousingly. 35 contestants of Mas and Mbak from regency /city in  Central Java had participated in this annual event.

Representative of Surakarta City in grand final of Mas and Mbak Central Java, Putra Putri Solo 2019 brings 3 trophies, Haryo Tangguh as Putra Solo 2019 won the best performance attribute and favorite attribute, while Putri Solo 2019 Hanna Faltala Laifjumna Jauza won the first contender after placed in the top 10 in Mbak Central Java 2019 in the grand final.

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