The 194th Langen Beksan Nemlikuran

The performance of malem nemlikuran is an agenda held every 26th on every month. This month of Langen Beksan Nemlikuran, Sunday (05/26/2019) held in Joglo 8th Vocational High School in Surakarta (SMKI), by presenting 7 dance performances presented by the students of Surakarta Art Institute of Indonesia (ISI), attended by the community and Serat Budayawan of Surakarta who enjoyed Indonesian traditional dance performances.

This month’s performance showcased various dance performances for example, Leggong Keraton dance, Lenggang Nusantara dance, Baris dance, Gambyong dance, Driasmara dance, Adaninggar Kelaswara dance and Retna Pamudya dance.

The 194th Langen Beksan Nemlikuran has been held, the strong nuance of traditional cultural performances can be a cultural tourism reference for you when visiting Surakarta city.


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